Doing anal scenes early on in the industry is considered a "no-no" if you want to last let's see how long I last because "Oops I did it again"....(LT is so mad at me-Porn Politics)
Now working with West Coast...the shit hits the fan and gossip comes outta everybody's mouth...what the hell happened? Not sure if WC has a bad rep but all the Black Porn Stars came from West Coast so why the gossip?...I'm learning too much in such a short period of time...who's who...who NOT to work with...the Porn Star name it...its like being in High School again...whatever! I'm just trying to make my money, honey!
Now Terry booked me for this scene....and I was nervous as hell...not to get fucked in the ass again but because I was booked with Wesley ring a bell? I'm like Oh Hell No!...I don't wanna be in a scene with him....I googled him because Ty laughed when I told him who I was booked with....I think Terry did it on purpose because I denied his first offer...LT paid the good rate and Terry was trying to pay the "nigga" rate...yea I said it! But we worked it out. (It pays to negotiate...always aim high).
Day of the scene, I'm waiting for Wesley to is done...I was on time, flushed out, and praying he don't force his dick all in my ass...(rumor)....anyways..comes to find out he's not shooting the scene (expired test)...I was relieved but then mad because we were waiting for 2 hours to find out. Terry makes some calls and Wesley gets replaced with...."Pretty Boy" Rico.
He's a nice guy...I'm a petite chic so he wasn't diggin me in that way but I was pretty enough...I call him "Sweet Kisses"...he likes to kiss on my body to get hard.
Then I got nervous again because I heard he had a LONG dick...and he does...I flashback to LT's scene when I was squeezing him in hopes of stopping during our anal...I can only take so much and Rico's dick is much longer so I was like "oh no its gonna hurt"
During our scene, I noticed I was very wet in my ass....yea it was because I was making a mess....GROSS! Well it didn't show on camera lol...I had ate sushi the night before...tsk tsk...I should have not eaten like LT said for my scene.
Rico was patient with me and we finished our scene.....I was so embarrassed but at least it didn't hurt. But another scene done...another bill paid.

LT calls me later that night...I'm off his box cover (Black Mommas 2) because I shot with Terry. Whatever I'll get more opps next time.